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L&K Engineering (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

L&K Engineering Awarded the Title of “Excellent Manufacturer in Independent Management in May, 2021” by Hefei Changxin

date:2021-08-21    browser:122
In May 2016, with a total investment of about 220 billion yuan, Changxin’s memory business was launched at Xingye Avenue, Airport Industrial Park, Hefei City, which is committed to building an industry-city integrated national memory industry base and world-class memory industrial cluster. As an integrated memory manufacturer, Changxin has so far completed its first 12-inch wafer fab and put it into production. In 2019, Changxin announced the mass production of 19nm 8GB DDR4 DRAM, marking that China has owned the independent production capacity for this key strategic component in the memory chip sector.

Our company, L&K Engineering, is a qualified supplier of Changxin. In the 2021 Changxin small line power and gas system expansion project, the members of our project management team were united and made concerted efforts to complete various tasks in an orderly manner on the premise of ensuring safety and quality, and innovated on many safety management methods in this project, which were included in the code of conduct of Changxin’s management system.

This April, Changxin Memory’s ESH began to conduct monthly safety KPI evalsuation on many contractors under its management. And the evalsuation rules are based on the performance status of safety officers/supervisors, construction violations, POPI violations, toolbox meeting quality, construction environment management, safety cooperation issues, etc. Our project team stood out among many parallel construction units, and was the only unit that won the title of excellent manufacturer independent management for three consecutive months. Besides, the team was awarded the certificate of honor by Changxin Memory, and won the praise of the owner. 


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