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L&K Engineering (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

Prevention and cure planning and diagnosis consulting service for bad products

date:2018-01-27    browser:159
The modern high-tech products, due to the specificity of these high-tech products, generally are produced in the environment with special environmental control. The environment often affects the yield of products.
In view of decades of clean engineering experience, we can know that there are far-reaching effects of the environment on yield and profit of the products for the customers. Therefore, this consulting service will integrate the following technologies to provide customers with specific recommendations and feasible improvement measures:
(1) Verification technology for completion measurement of clean engineering.
(2) Design technology of clean engineering.
(3) Aided Analysis Technology for CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Engineering.
(4) Control technology for Airborne Molecular Contamination (AMC) in clean room.
(5) Inspection analysis and diagnosis technology for airflow in clean room.
(6) Statistical analysis and comparison with judgment of clean engineering experience.
(7) The accumulated process knowledge obtained from the experience that helping the customers to solve the problems of bad products in the past.
(8) Air quality (AMC sampling) databases that are in different industries of the company.


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